Well the new tubes are finally printed and are on the way to us from sunny California to windy North Yorkshire and to say that we're a little bit excited is an understatement!
What are they?
These new lip balm tubes are a completely plastic-free alternative to the usual wind-up lip balm tubes. At present, our vegan lip balms come in tins. Although they can be recycled they aren't always the best way to apply balm to your lips. We've been told by some of our customers that they don't always like to apply the balm to their fingers and then to their lips especially when they're out and about. Unfortunately, there's no doubt that the old single use plastic wind-up tubes are convenient : (
So when we found Eco Visions packaging we were very excited. Their containers are crafted from 100% post consumer paper, which is a renewable, biodegradable and recyclable material. They weigh 1.7g - a third of the weight of the plastic tubes which means a much lower carbon footprint. Not only that, they hold 20% more balm than plastic tubes, so they'll last longer.
Here are Eco Vision's tube design.

The tubes are made with FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) paper and contain no PVA plastic adhesive which makes it non-toxic and fully home-compostable.

We'd love to know what you think? Many of our products have been made after listening to suggestions. Let us know in the comments if you have any thoughts.